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Research Papers
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European Commission reports/papers
MEUC agenda's
- Major UK Energy Users Conference – Brussels 2007
- Major UK Energy Users Conference – Brussels 2006
- Major UK Energy Users Conference – Brussels 2005
Symposium links
- Vienna 2009 Symposium
- APX 2009 Symposium
- 2008 Symposium
- 2007 Symposium
- 2006 Symposium
- 2005 Symposium
- 2004 Symposium
Symposium papers
- What are the barriers to the harmonisation of market rules and who should ensure compliance? Dr Günther Rabensteiner – CEO, VERBUND Austrian Power Trading AG
- What contribution can energy exchanges and OTC trading play in improving market efficiency and liquidity? Alan Svoboda – Director Sales and Trading, CEZ
- What needs to be done to ensure regional prices reflect fundamental demand and supply conditions? Fjodor Duschek – Head of Continental Power Trading, Merrill Lynch Commodities(Europe) Ltd
- What rules should govern network tariffs, grid access and market balancing and who should ensure compliance? Brigitte Kronfuss – Head of Transit Department, OMV Gas GmbH
- What are the barriers to developing efficient and transparent trading and how can they be overcome? Harald Wüstrich – Chief Executive, CEGH
- Who should do what to improve market efficiency and liquidity? Dr Jozsef Balogh – Central European Origination and Trading Manager, EDF Trading Ltd
- How can energy market regulators ensure effective TSO unbundling and greater market transparency and how will these impact on the market?Heinrich Hick, Policy Officer, DG TREN
- What rules should govern network tariffs, grid access and market balancing in gas and power, and who should monitor compliance? Juan Jose Alba Rios, Director of Regulation, Endesa
- Are the regional market initiatives working and would a “top down” approach deliver better results? Walter Boltz, Managing Director E-Control and Vice President CEER
- What role can energy market exchanges play in encouraging market integration? Paul Dawson, Director of Regulation, RWE Trading
- Do current power prices reflect fundamental demand and supply conditions and if not, why not? Per Lekander, Senior Energy Analyst - UBS
- How will mergers and acquisitions impact on the generation, distribution and supply of power in the next five years? Simon Wilde, Utilities Analyst, ABN Amro
- How will the EU’s dependency on imported gas impact on the future operation of EU wholesale markets? Dr Geert Graaf, General Director, GTS
- Who should do what to improve the liquidity and efficiency of EU regional gas markets? Dr Ingolf Hoven, Director of Gas & Oil Trading - E.ON
- Mr William Webster, Electricity and Gas Unit, Energy Directorate, European Commission - Energy Market Liberalisation – Progress and Market Expectations
- Mr Douglas King, Senior Partner, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu - Competitive Energy Markets – Reality or Pipedream
- Mr José Luis del Valle, Director of Strategy and Development, Iberdrola - The Iberian Market – Easier Said Than Done
- Mr Juan Carlos Garcia Centeno, Country Head – Spain and Portugal, Royal Bank of Scotland - The Iberian Market – Integration and Investment Prospects
- Dr Leendert Florusse, Director of Asset Development, Essent - The Benelux Market – Contrasting National Developments
- Mr Pieter Verberne, Chief Operating Officer, APX - The Benelux Marke – Market Drivers and Inhibitors
- Dr Joachim Ehrenberg, Head of Environmental Aspects of Enterprise Policy, European Commission - Emissions Trading - Objectives and Operation
- Mr Tim Atkinson, Head of UK Emissions Market, Natsource Tullett Europe - Emissions Trading – Market Dynamics
- Mr Marc Hall, Vice President, RWE Energy - Gas and Power Markets - To Converge or Not To Converge
- Mr Pat Breen, Corporate Strategy Partner, Deloitte Consulting - Business Strategy, Trading and Risk Management
- Dr Klaus Grellmann, Director of Strategy, RWE - Business Strategy, Trading and Risk Management
- Volker Heck – Vice President Group Public Affairs, RWE AG - Examining the criteria for success in building an appropriate regulatory framework, balancing public and commercial objectives.
- Role of the regulator in facilitating competition and trading Jorge Vasconcelos – President, Council of European Energy Regulators
- Impact on competition and trading – the relative market dynamics and the outlook for power and gas Paul Dawson – Director, Barclays Capital
- Stefan Judisch – Managing Director, RWE Trading - Examining whether markets or regulators are better suited to facilitate security of supply.
- EU environment policy – viability of ‘green’ targets, costs of compliance and update on the operation of the EU ETS Andrei Marcu – Executive Director, International Emissions Trading Association
- Impact of EU environmental policy and national regulation on asset investment and risk management Andy Duff – CEO, RWE npower
- Creating a Winning Business Model Pat Breen – CEO, Gas Strategies
- Stefan Judisch, Managing Director - RWE Trading Are market mechanisms working to facilitate competitive prices for power and gas?
- Paul Dawson, Director, Commodities Regulation - Barclays Capital Are market mechanisms working to facilitate competitive prices for power and gas?
- Dr Derek Taylor, Energy Advisor – European Commission Can structural barriers to competitive power and gas markets across Europe be overcome?
- Anne-Malorie Géron, Head of Markets - EurelectricCan structural barriers to competitive power and gas markets across Europe be overcome?
- Lars Kjoelbye, Head of Unit – Energy – DG Comp – European CommissionCan governments and regulators help create competitive markets?
- Ciara Ryan, Partner, Energy Markets - Deloitte Can governments and regulators help create competitive markets?
- Lars Kjølbye – Head of Energy Unit, DG COMP Is ownership unbundling of transmission networks necessary to achieve competitive markets?
- Robin Cohen – Partner, Economics Consulting, Deloitte Will recent and future cross-border M&A activity reduce market competition across the EU?
- Walter Boltz – Vice President, CEER and Managing Director, E-Control Is there a low incidence of customer switching because new entrants cannot get competitive access to sources of gas and power?
- Pat Breen – Chief Executive, Gas Strategies Is there and should there be a future for long term gas contracts?
- Rutger Jan Hebben – Manager European Public Affairs, EnergieNed Will a piecemeal regional approach slowdown the pace of market liberalisation?
- Andrew McKillop – Senior Energy Strategist, Juno Mother Earth Asset Management Are the underlying prices of oil and carbon all that matter for power and gas?
- John Woodley – Managing Director – Fixed Income, Morgan Stanley Will initiatives to improve transparency result in more active spot, forward and derivatives trading?
- Will the EU Commission’s proposals on effective unbundling of TSO gas and power networks deliver more market competition? Jake Ulrich – Managing Director – Centrica Energy
- What is the role of regulation in delivering competitiveness, sustainability and security of supply in EU power and gas markets? Sir John Mogg KCMG – Chairman, OFGEM and President, CEER
- What forms of co-operation and investment incentives are necessary to create a single EU energy grid? Gunnar Lundberg – Vice President Regulatory Affaires, Vattenfall AB
- Which regional gas and power markets are more amenable to integration and why? Walter Boltz – Managing Director E-Control and Vice President, CEER
- Will the carbon emissions market in Phase Two of ETS be long or short of CO2 certificates? Henrik Hasselknippe – Director of European Emissions Trading Analysis, Point Carbon
- How will the price of carbon impact on power and gas prices – short and long term? Per Lekander – Energy Analyst, UBS
- How will the disclosure of more energy supply and demand data improve wholesale market liquidity? Peter Styles – Chairman Electricity Committee, EFET
- What are the essential requirements for the successful development of active wholesale forward markets in gas and power? Simon Brod - Head of Gas and Power Origination, Nuon Energy Trade & Wholesale on behalf of Stephen Asplin - Managing Director, Energy Trade & Wholesale, NV Nuon
- Looking to the Future
Energy Viewpoints Historical Analysis
Energy Viewpoints contributions
- Expected Falls in Electricity and Gas Prices
- Impact of Market Structure on Energy Prices
- Trends in European Gas Markets
- Uncertain Outlook for EU Carbon Price
- Transactions Reporting and Monitoring
- Limiting the Burden of Market Monitoring
- Striking the Right Balance between Transparency and Confidentiality
- Comprehensive Approach Needed For Market Regulation
- Expanding Role Envisaged for Energy Exchanges
- Markets of Choice Are the Secret of Liquidity
- Power Exchanges: Key Component of a Liquid Wholesale Market
- The Future Role of Power Exchanges: A Regulator’s View
- Power Exchanges: A key Contributor to European Market Integration
- The Evolution of Exchanges: An OTC perspective
- Firmer Price Expectations for Phase Two and Beyond
- What Lies Ahead for The Carbon Market?
- Risk Of Low Carbon Price
- Will We Learn From Experience?
- Uncertainty over the future of carbon trading
- EU ETS: A success but a threat of Excess Supply of Allowances in Phase Two
- Politics hinders ETS progress in Central and Eastern Europe
- Key Issues Surrounding the Future of Carbon Trading in Europe
- Evaluating the Performance of the ETS
- Will the ETS Survive its own Success?
- EU Emissions Trading - Review and Prospects
- Market Coupling: Key to EU Power Market Integration
- Market Coupling: A Preferred Solution for Cross-Border Power Capacity Utilisation
- Power Auctions - The European Experience
- German Gas Market: More integration and liquidity
- EU Gas Market Integration: Is more Transmission Capacity All that is Needed?
- EU Gas Market: Turning Hopes into Reality
- Call for Regional TSO in the EU Electricity Market
- European Energy: The Rise of Markets and Economics
- Energy Market Reform: Short on Detail and Political Commitment
- Need for Regional Approach to Secure Effective Competition
- How Long Can Long Term Gas Contracts Survive?
- Market-Based Congestion Management on Belgium's Borders
- Congestion Management - Issues, Opinions and Solutions
- Removing Barriers to Cross-Border Trading
- Market Solutions for Cross-Border Power Transmission Access
- Market Liberalisation: Conditions for Effective Unbundling
- The Third Package: A Structural Diversion?
- Decisions Pending on EU Gas Capacity Trading
- LNG - Prospects for the Future
- Supplying Growing European Gas Demand
- EU to Punish Restrictive Business Practices in LNG Contracts
- Securing Energy Supplies in a Liberalised Market
- Growing Threats to Energy Security
- Conditions for a Liquid Gas Market: North American experience
- Reversing the Decline in UK Power market Liquidity
- Market Players Support Ownership Unbundling and More Transparency
- Ownership Unbundling: The Views of European Regulators
- Market Players Support Ownership Unbundling and More Transparency
- Mapping the Route to Market Transparency
- Market Transparency - Pushing for a Breakthrough
- Data Disclosure Needs in the European Electricity Market
- Energy Market Volatility Driving Growth in Financial Investment
- Financial Trading - A Boost to Energy Market Competition
- Commodity Investment - Impact on Energy Derivatives
- Slow Progress Expected on European Gas Trading
RWE trading market analysis
UK Business and Environment Trends Survey
RWE Energy – Electricity Distribution Cost Benchmarking
Business Energy Users surveys
- Business Energy Users Survey - Winter 2007 - Carbon Emissions
- Business Energy Users Survey - Winter 2006 - Low Carbon Economy
- Business Energy Users Survey - Summer 2006 - Gas in the UK Energy Mix
- Business Energy Users Survey - Winter 2005 - Energy Management
- Business Energy Users Survey - Summer 2005 - Energy and the Environment
E- Control/ERGEG
- Press Release - Strong Appetite for Investing in EU Energy Networks
- Appendix A - Investor/Analyst Focus Group Feedback (questionnaire feedback)
- Appendix B - Investor/Analyst Focus Group Feedback (qualitative responses)
- Appendix C - Five Key Arguments for Ownership Unbundling
Commodities Now (2)
- EU ETS: Firmer Prices for Phase II and Beyond
- EU Gas Market: Turning hopes into reality, Page 1
- EU Gas Market: Turning hopes into reality, Page 2
Other (2)
- Living with the Inevitable - Presentation to the Utility Strategies Group – London March 2008
Key Issues Facing Major UK Business Users - Presentation to EON’s Energy Consultants - Coventry June 2008
Clive Moffatts European Energy Review BLog
- Please Click here to view Clive Moffatt's Blog
Moffatt Associates is actively involved in promoting debate on EU energy issues across Europe.
- E.ON Energy Consultant Conference– Coventry 2008 - chairman
- Energy Utilities Group Seminar – London – 2008 - speaker
- Energy Commodities Trading Conference– London – 2007 – speaker and chairman