Moffatt Associates


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Forecasting Market Trends

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Quarterly Analysis of EU Energy Markets

In 2005, Moffatt Associates devised a research format for monitoring trends in energy market prices and canvassing market views on future market developments and the implications of public policy actions at both the EU and national level.

The “Energy Viewpoints Bulletin” is distributed free of charge electronically and is now read by over 2000 market participants every quarter.

This regular, quarterly survey, sponsored by APX and produced in association with EFET, summarises expectations about future energy market prices, based on responses from a research panel of 80 market participants covering most of Europe. This panel is a representative sample of regulators, generators, suppliers, traders and analysts.

Every quarter, MA canvasses views on wholesale market developments in power, gas and CO2. In addition, we select a special topic for investigation each quarter and we invite contributions from leading market participants. The survey itself takes the form of a detailed telephone questionnaire and is conducted on a strictly confidential and non-attributable basis.

RWE Trading – Market Analysis

Between 2001-2005, Moffatt Associates researched and published a regular review of UK and EU wholesale energy markets for RWE Trading (formerly Innogy). These reports comprised:

  • InnForm - a monthly report summarising activity in the UK energy markets, providing market commentary, analysis and relevant and up-to-date information.

UK Business and Environment Trends Survey

Between 1995 – 1998 MA conducted an annual UK survey of trends in business and environmental issues. This was sponsored by ENTEC in association with The Green Alliance.

This annual survey provided a unique and comprehensive insight into levels of business concern about the environment, the corporate policies that are being pursued and the benefits of implementing environmental improvement programmes.

It also highlighted those factors inhibiting UK industry from taking steps to improve its environmental performance and investigated business reaction to possible changes in Government policies aimed at encouraging industry to improve its environmental performance.