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Energy Viewpoints - Articles by Category
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Energy Exchanges:
- Expanding Role Envisaged for Energy Exchanges
- Markets of Choice Are the Secret of Liquidity
- Power Exchanges: Key component of a Liquid Wholesale Market
- The Future Role of Power Exchanges: A regulator’s view
- Power Exchanges: A key contributor to European market Integration
- The Evolution of Exchanges: An OTC Perspective
Credit Crunch
- Avoid Hitting the Panic Button
- Credit Crunch Reducing Liquidity and Prices
- Crunch Time for EU Energy Markets?
Carbon Market, Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS):
- More Volatility in the Carbon Market
- Uncertain Outlook for EU Carbon Price
- Firmer Price Expectations for Phase Two and Beyond
- What Lies Ahead for The Carbon Market?
- Risk Of Low Carbon Price
- Will We Learn From Experience?
- Uncertainty Over the Future of Carbon Trading
- EU ETS: A Success but a threat of Excess Supply of Allowances in Phase Two
- Politics Hinders ETS progress in Central and Eastern Europe
- Key Issues Surrounding the Future of Carbon Trading in Europe
- Evaluating the Performance of the ETS
- Will the ETS Survive its own Success?
- EU Emissions Trading - Review and Prospects
Market Trends and Prices:
Market Coupling:
- Market Coupling: Key to EU Power Market Integration
- Market Coupling: A Preferred Solution for Cross-Border Power Capacity Utilisation
- Power Auctions - The European Experience
Market Competition and Integration:
- Impact of Market Structure on Energy Prices
- German Gas Market: More integration and liquidity
- EU Gas Market Integration: Is more Transmission Capacity all that is Needed?
- EU Gas Market: Turning Hopes into Reality
- Call for Regional TSO in the EU Electricity Market
- European Energy: The Rise of Markets and Economics
- Energy Market Reform: Short on Detail and Political Commitment
- Need for Regional Approach to Secure Effective Competition
- How Long Can Long Term Gas Contracts Survive?
- Market-Based Congestion Management on Belgium's Borders
- Congestion Management - Issues, Opinions and Solutions
- Removing Barriers to Cross-Border Trading
- Market Solutions for Cross-Border Power Transmission Access
Market Liberalisation and the Third Energy Package:
- Market Liberalisation: Conditions for Effective Unbundling
- The Third Package: A Structural Diversion?
Capacity/Energy supplies within energy markets:
- Decisions Pending on EU Gas Capacity Trading
- LNG - Prospects for the Future
- Supplying Growing European Gas Demand
- EU to Punish Restrictive Business Practices in LNG Contracts
- Securing Energy Supplies in a Liberalised Market
- Growing Threats to Energy Security
Liquidity within energy markets:
- Conditions for a Liquid Gas Market: North American Experience
- Reversing the Decline in UK Power market Liquidity
Ownership Unbundling
- Market Players Support Ownership Unbundling and More Transparency
- Ownership Unbundling: The Views of European Regulators
- Market Players Support Ownership Unbundling and More Transparency
- Mapping the Route to Market Transparency
- Market Transparency - Pushing for a Breakthrough
- Data Disclosure Needs in the European Electricity Market
Transactions Reporting and Monitoring
- Transactions Reporting and Monitoring
- Limiting the Burden of Market Monitoring
- Striking the Right Balance between Transparency and Confidentiality
- Comprehensive Approach Needed For Market Regulation
Financial Trading
- Energy Market Volatility Driving Growth in Financial Investment
- Financial Trading - A Boost to Energy Market Competition
- Commodity Investment - Impact on Energy Derivatives
- Slow Progress Expected on European Gas Trading