RWE Symposium 2005 - "Markets, Regulation and the Environment: Conflict or Harmony?"
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26 April 2005 – Registration, Refreshments and Dinner
1700-1900 Guests check-in at hotel, register and receive event pack
1915-1930 Bus from hotel to evening venue (Lutter & Wenger restaurant, Berlin)
1930-2015 Cocktail reception and introduction
2015-2330 Dinner and entertainment (Gale Tufts)
27 April 2005 – Symposium Event
745-0830 Breakfast and guests receive Symposium booklet
0830-0900 Introduction and Opening Remarks
Brian Count – CEO, RWE Trading
Morning Session
Chairman: Peter Kreuzberg – RWE Trading
<0900-0915 Markets, Regulation and the Environment – Where Are We Now? Overview
Dieter Helm – Director, Oxera
A brief snapshot of the key issues concerning (a) the process of deregulation, (b) market liberalisation and competition, (c) the operation of the power and gas markets, and (d) public policy uncertainties impacting on trading and investment.
0915-1105 Session One: Markets and Regulation
The focus of this session is the interaction between EU regulators and markets.
0915-0935 Topic Introduction by RWE
Volker Heck – Vice President Group Public Affairs, RWE AG - Examining the criteria for success in building an appropriate regulatory framework, balancing public and commercial objectives.
0935-0955 A. Role of the regulator in facilitating competition and trading
Jorge Vasconcelos – President, Council of European Energy Regulators
0955-1015 B. Impact on competition and trading – the relative market dynamics and the outlook for power and gas
Paul Dawson – Director, Barclays Capital
1015-1105 Session One Discussion
1130-1230 Session Two: Markets and Security of Supply
The objective of this session is to focus on three specific issues relating to public policy decisions impacting on the investment in new capacity: the future energy and fuel mix, the responsibilities of regulators and the market in respect of security of supply and the likely impact on EU trading.
1130-1150 Topic Introduction by RWE
Stefan Judisch – Managing Director, RWE Trading - Examining whether markets or regulators are better suited to facilitate security of supply.
1150-1230 Session Two Panel Discussion
Chaired by Stefan Judisch and Helen Donoghue – Principal Advisor, Energy Policy and Security of Supply Unit, European Commission
1230-1330 Lunch Break
Afternoon Session
Chairman: Stefan Judisch – RWE Trading
1330-1500 Session Three: Markets and Environment
The objectives of this session are to evaluate the current and future impact of EU environmental policy. How realistic are CO2 emissions? What’s the likely impact on costs and margins? Will the ETS increase or decrease costs of compliance?
1330-1350 A. EU environment policy – viability of ‘green’ targets, costs of compliance and update on the operation of the EU ETS
Andrei Marcu – Executive Director, International Emissions Trading Association
1350-1410 B. Impact of EU environmental policy and national regulation on asset investment and risk management
Andy Duff – CEO, RWE npower
1410-1500 Session Three Discussion
1500-1520 Coffee Break
1520-1650 Session Four: Strategies for Success
Addressing the issue of how energy companies can manage business and regulatory rules to generate sufficient cash to cover operating costs and finance new capital investment. This presentation will lead to a Panel Discussion chaired by RWE and including other senior market players.
1520-1540 A. Creating a Winning Business Model
Pat Breen – CEO, Gas Strategies
1540-1650 B. Panel Discussion / Chairman – Brian Count
With market participants and policy influencers
1650-1700 Closing Remarks
Brian Count – CEO, RWE Trading