Vienna Symposium 2009 - MAKING ENERGY MARKETS WORK
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Debating Themes for this years event:
Electricity markets in Central and Easter EuropeGas Markets in Central and Eastern Europe
Speakers taking part in this years event:
Walter Boltz – Managing Director, E-Control and Vice President CEER and ERGEGDr Günther Rabensteiner – CEO, VERBUND Austrian Power Trading AG
Alan Svoboda – Director Sales and Trading, CEZ
Fjodor Duschek – Head of Continental Power Trading, Merrill Lynch Commodities (Europe) Ltd
Brigitte Kronfuss – Head of Transit Department, OMV Gas GmbH
Harald Wüstrich – Chief Executive, CEGH
Dr Jozsef Balogh – Central European Origination and Trading Manager, EDF Trading Ltd
Johannes Mayer – Director Competition and Regulation, E-Control
Download speakers papers: (links to be activated soon)
What are the barriers to the harmonisation of market rules and who should
ensure compliance?
Dr Günther Rabensteiner – CEO, VERBUND Austrian Power Trading AG
What contribution can energy exchanges and OTC trading play in improving market efficiency and liquidity?
Alan Svoboda – Director Sales and Trading, CEZ
What needs to be done to ensure regional prices reflect fundamental demand and supply conditions?
Fjodor Duschek – Head of Continental Power Trading, Merrill Lynch Commodities(Europe) Ltd
What rules should govern network tariffs, grid access and market balancing and who should ensure compliance?
Brigitte Kronfuss – Head of Transit Department, OMV Gas GmbH
What are the barriers to developing efficient and transparent trading and how can they be overcome?
Harald Wüstrich – Chief Executive, CEGH
Who should do what to improve market efficiency and liquidity?
Dr Jozsef Balogh – Central European Origination and Trading Manager, EDF Trading Ltd